1983: Episode Seven

The Disaster Children attend a funeral and a birthday party.  

Transcript coming soon

CAST: Kristin Devine, AJ Ganaros, Kate Harlow, Samantha Jane, Diana Loraine

MUSIC by AJ Ganaros


EDITING by Diana Loraine

Sound Effects:  Turkey “Turkey - Gobble - 96kHz.wav” by JarredGibb can be found https://freesound.org/people/JarredGibb/sounds/233123/

Turkey 2 “Turkey - Gobble 2 - 96kHz.wav” by JarredGibb can be found https://freesound.org/people/JarredGibb/sounds/233124/

Turkey 3 “Turkey - Gobble 3 - 96kHz.wav” by JarredGibb can be found https://freesound.org/people/JarredGibb/sounds/233125/

Turkey 4 “Turkey - Gobble 4 - 96kHz.wav” by JarredGibb can be found https://freesound.org/people/JarredGibb/sounds/233126/

Turkey 5 “Turkey - Gobble 5 - 96kHz.wav” by JarredGibb can be found https://freesound.org/people/JarredGibb/sounds/233120/

Turkey 6 “Turkey - Gobble 6 - 96kHz.wav” by JarredGibb can be found https://freesound.org/people/JarredGibb/sounds/233121/